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Exchange Rate Chart - AFNDJF
2021-12-21 - 2024-12-21 -0.57-8.28%

Currency Pair DJF/AFN: Djiboutian Franc and Afghan Afghani

The currency pair DJF/AFN represents the exchange rate between the Djiboutian Franc (DJF) and the Afghan Afghani (AFN). Both DJF and AFN are lesser-known currencies in the global market, but they play a significant role in their respective countries' economies. Here, we provide an overview of these two currencies and how you can easily convert between them using our currency converter.

Djiboutian Franc (DJF)

The Djiboutian Franc is the official currency of Djibouti, a small country located at the Horn of Africa. The currency has been in circulation since 1949 and is issued by the Central Bank of Djibouti. DJF is pegged to the U.S. Dollar (USD), providing some stability to the currency. One Djiboutian Franc is subdivided into 100 centimes, although centimes are not practically used.

Afghan Afghani (AFN)

The Afghan Afghani is the official currency of Afghanistan. The current version of the Afghani was introduced in 2002 and is issued by Da Afghanistan Bank, the country's central bank. AFN is subdivided into 100 pul, although pul is rarely used in daily transactions. The currency has undergone several changes and revaluations over the years, especially due to the country's political and economic instability.

Convert between DJF and AFN

To convert between Djiboutian Franc and Afghan Afghani, you can use our simple and efficient currency converter. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (DJF or AFN).
  3. Choose the target currency (AFN or DJF).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will instantly receive the result.

Historical Exchange Rates

To provide you with a better understanding of the currency pair's performance over time, we also present a chart with historical data for DJF/AFN. This can be particularly useful for investors and businessmen looking to analyze trends and make informed decisions.

Whether you need to convert between DJF and AFN or any other currency, our currency converter offers a fast and reliable solution. Explore our tools and get the latest exchange rates in real-time.

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