Image that illustrates Trademark lawyer

Trademark lawyer salary

66 500 kr

Business and corporate lawyers

What will be the salary after tax?

50 500 - 69 500 kr / month

Women earn 93% of what men do.

Administration, ekonomi

Salary progression Trademark lawyer

Average salary 66 500 kr
Males 69 200 kr
Females 64 600 kr
Profession Trademark lawyer and its salary
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What Does a Trademark Lawyer Do?

A trademark lawyer, falling under the category of business and corporate lawyers, works on protecting and managing trademarks and intellectual property rights for companies. This includes applying for trademark protection, handling trademark infringements, and providing advice on how to commercially exploit trademarks. Trademark lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring that a company's trademarks are not only legally protected but also strategically utilized to strengthen the company's market position.

Salary for Trademark Lawyers

The average salary for a trademark lawyer is 66 500 kronor per month. However, there are differences between genders; men earn an average of 69 200 kronor while women earn 64 600 kronor. This means that women earn approximately 93% of what men do in the same profession. Interestingly, the average salary for the occupation has slightly decreased from 63 300 kronor to 66 500 kronor since the last measurement.

Highest and Lowest Salaries

The highest salary for a trademark lawyer is 67600 kronor, and this salary belongs to a man working as a private sector employee with a post-secondary education of three years or more. On the other end of the spectrum, we find the lowest salary for a trademark lawyer, which is 64 600 kronor. This salary belongs to a woman working across various sectors with an unspecified level of education.

Education and Qualifications

To become a trademark lawyer, a law degree is usually required, involving at least four and a half years of university studies. After completing a law degree, it may be advantageous to further specialize in intellectual property law or business law to enhance expertise in the field. Many trademark lawyers have also undergone internships at law firms or within corporate legal departments to gain practical experience.

Job Market and Future Outlook

According to the Swedish Public Employment Service, the job prospects for business and corporate lawyers are considered moderate nationally. The forecast for the next five years indicates that the demand for these professional roles is expected to remain stable. This suggests that the job market is balanced, providing a relatively stable work environment for those already established in the profession.

Benefits and Working Conditions

The working conditions for trademark lawyers can vary depending on the employer and sector. Many privately employed trademark lawyers can expect benefits such as paid training, access to a company mobile phone, and other work tools. These benefits can be significant, especially for those working at larger companies or international firms.

Considerations for Becoming a Trademark Lawyer

If you are considering a career as a trademark lawyer, it is important to have a strong interest in law and intellectual property rights. You should also be prepared to undergo extensive education and be willing to continuously update your knowledge, as legal frameworks and the business landscape are constantly evolving. Practical experience through internships or junior roles can be invaluable for building a network and getting a foot in the industry.

Who has the highest salary?
The highest salary for a Trademark lawyer is 69500 kr. This salary belongs to a man working in the Privately employed officials with a post-secondary education, 3 years or more. The highest salary for a woman in this profession is 65300 kr.
Who has the lowest salary?
The lowest salary for a Trademark lawyer is 50500 kr. This salary belongs to a woman also working in the Multiple sectors. The lowest salary for a man in this profession is 69200 kr.
Salary distributed by age and sector
Age Women's salary as a percentage of men's Base salary Monthly salary
18-24 34000 kr 34300 kr
25-34 98% 51000 kr 51400 kr
35-44 91% 72100 kr 73200 kr
45-54 80200 kr 81900 kr
55-64 74% 78500 kr 80100 kr
Snitt 93% 65500 kr 66500 kr
Salary per sector
AllAllPublic Public Municipal Municipal County council County council Private officialsPrivate officialsPrivate Private 800008000060000600004000040000200002000000
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Salary based on education
All levels of educationAll levels of educationHigh school education...High school education, 3 yearsPost-secondary educat...Post-secondary education, less than 3 yearsPost-secondary educa...Post-secondary education, 3 years or more800008000060000600004000040000200002000000
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About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB), the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish employment agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Trademark lawyer has the SSYK code 2614, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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8000 kr
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31 377
11 738
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