Breeders, pets salary

27 874 kr

Breeders and caretakers of pets

What will be the salary after tax?

28 119 - 27 874 kr / month

Women earn 22103% of what men do.


Salary progression Breeders, pets

Salary and Work for Breeders, Companion Animals

Working as a breeder and caretaker of companion animals can be both rewarding and challenging. It is a profession often driven by a passion for animals and an interest in contributing to their well-being. Here, we take a closer look at salary, job duties, educational requirements, and what to consider if you want to work as a breeder of companion animals.

Salary for Breeders, Companion Animals

The average salary for a breeder of companion animals is 27 874 kronor per month. This figure has increased from 26 983 kronor since the last measurement, showing a positive salary development within the profession. Unfortunately, specific salary data for men and women is not available, but it is worth noting that women earn 22 103% of what men earn in this profession. This indicates a significant gender pay gap for women, which is uncommon in many occupational fields.

Job Duties

As a breeder and caretaker of companion animals, your task is to take care of the animals' daily needs. This includes feeding them, keeping their environments clean, ensuring they get enough exercise and mental stimulation. Breeders are also responsible for monitoring the animals' health and well-being, which may involve administering medications, performing routine health checks, and sometimes assisting with births.

Specific job duties may include:

  • Feeding and watering the animals
  • Cleaning cages, aquariums, and other habitats
  • Administering medication and performing health checks
  • Socializing and training the animals
  • Assisting with births and caring for newborn animals
  • Keeping detailed records of each animal's health and development

Education and Qualifications

No formal education is required to become a breeder and caretaker of companion animals, but having a background in animal care is advantageous. Many employers appreciate applicants who have completed animal care programs in high school or have relevant work experience. Practical experience is often a key factor, so volunteering at animal shelters or internships in animal care can be very valuable.

Requirements to get a job

  • Experience working with animals
  • Knowledge of animal behavior and needs
  • Physical stamina as the work can be physically demanding
  • Ability to work independently and make quick decisions
  • Good communication skills to collaborate with colleagues and pet owners


Benefits in this profession vary depending on the employer. In some cases, access to paid training to improve skills in animal care may be provided. Other potential benefits may include flexible working hours, discounts on pet products, or the opportunity to bring your own pet to work.

What to Consider

Working as a breeder and caretaker of companion animals requires a great passion for animals and their well-being. It is a job that can be both physically and emotionally demanding. Be prepared to work irregular hours, including weekends and holidays, as animals need care every day. Additionally, having a keen eye for detail and being able to observe subtle changes in animal behavior that may indicate health issues are required.

In conclusion, breeders and caretakers of companion animals is a profession for those who have a genuine love for animals and are willing to work hard to ensure their well-being. With an average salary of 27 874 kronor and the potential for positive salary development, it can be a rewarding career choice for the right person.

Salary per sector

About the data

All information displayed on this page is based on data from the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB) and the Swedish Tax Agency. Learn more about our data and data sources here.

All figures are gross salaries, meaning salaries before tax. The average salary, or mean salary, is calculated by adding up the total salary for all individuals within the profession and dividing it by the number of individuals. For specific job categories, we have also considered various criteria such as experience and education.

Profession Breeders, pets has the SSYK code 6122, which we use to match against the SCB database to obtain the latest salary statistics.

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Salary, Taxes, and Fees
Net salary 31 450
Net salary
31 450
11 658
12 134

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* Updated with 2024 taxes