Nurse Wanted at Gustafkliniken

Gustafkliniken AB

Stockholms län, Lidingö

Previous experience is desired

~42 900 kr / per month ->
Fixed monthly, weekly, or hourly salary

Education: Hälso- och sjukvård
Eftergymnasial utbildning två år eller längre

26 days left
to apply for the job

We are looking for a nurse to become part of our team at the Gustafkliniken health center in Lidingö.

Gustafkliniken is a family-owned health center run by its founder and owner, who has had a lifelong commitment to healthcare and its development.

We care for our staff, not just in words but in actions. Gustafkliniken has a collective agreement and is affiliated with Vårdföretagarna.

We are looking for someone with a couple of years of experience as a nurse in primary care who wants to join our team. What we are currently looking for is someone who can work extra as a substitute - during the day, on weekends, and during school breaks.

Warm welcome to submit your application!

The team at Gustafkliniken

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