Calculate your salary after tax

Swedish Church Member

With our salary calculator, you can quickly calculate your salary after tax (net salary) in Sweden. Based on your gross salary, you'll know how much you have left after all taxes and deductions. The calculator considers municipal tax, county tax, and other deductions to provide you with an accurate net salary.

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Sweden Tax Calculator

  • The employer pays

    Total cost to the employer

    51 852 kr
  • Employer fee

    This is a fee your employer pays

    -12 052 kr
  • Your gross salary

    This is your salary before deductions, taxes, and fees.

    = 39 800 kr
  • Basic Allowance

    A deduction that lowers taxable income.

    -1 442 kr
  • Taxable income

    This is what taxes and fees are calculated on

    =38 358 kr
  • Employment tax credit

    A tax reduction on earned income, intended to increase work incentives by reducing the tax burden.

    +3 391 kr
  • Municipal tax

    The municipal tax in Stockholm är 18.22%

    -6 989 kr
  • County tax

    The tax in your county is 12.38%

    -4 749 kr
  • State income tax

    An extra 20 percent tax is levied on income above that 625 800 kr per year

    -0 kr
  • Church fee

    If you are a member of the Church of Sweden, you also pay church fees

    -0 kr
  • Burial fee

    A mandatory fee charged by Stockholms domkyrkoförs. stift (i din kommun) 0.2%

    -77 kr

  • Your net salary

    This is what you get to keep after taxes and fees

    31 377 kr
  • Taxes & Fees

    This is what you and the employer paid in total in taxes and fees

    20 475 kr

Howto calculate Your Net Salary in Sweden: A Detailed Walkthrough

Your Gross Salary: The Starting Point for Your Net Salary

Your gross salary is the first step in the salary calculation. It is the amount on your pay slip before any deductions are made, which forms the basis for the calculation of the amount that ultimately reaches your bank account (the net salary).

Basic Deduction: Reducing Your Taxable Income

The basic deduction is a tax deduction that reduces the part of your income that is taxable. This deduction varies depending on income and other factors, and its purpose is to provide each individual with a tax relief space for part of the income.

Taxable Income: What the Tax is Calculated On

After your basic deduction is applied, the remaining amount is your taxable income. It is this amount that your municipal and state taxes and any church fees are based on.

Municipal Tax: Impact of Your Residence

Where you live plays an important role as the municipal tax varies depending on the municipality. This tax funds local services such as schools, healthcare, and infrastructure.

County Tax: Your Contribution to Regional Welfare

The county tax is a tax that goes to your region or county and is used to fund regional services such as hospitals and public transport. Like the municipal tax, this is a significant part of your total tax rate and reflects the value of the services you have access to.

Church Fee for Members of the Swedish Church

As a member of the Swedish Church, you pay a church fee, which varies between different parishes. This fee is also part of the taxable income and is included in the calculation of your net salary.

Net Salary Calculation: A Complete Perspective

We take into account all these factors - from your gross salary to your basic deduction, the taxable income, your place of residence and any church membership - to give you an accurate calculation of your net salary which we calculated to 31 377 SEK. Our calculator not only gives you figures but also an understanding of how the tax system affects your finances.

Use our calculator today to get a personalized and accurate estimate of your net salary, so you can plan your finances with full insight and precision.

Note that the figures and calculations presented here are based on the sample data we have provided above, enter your own figures and municipality to get a customized calculation and description. This means that examples like the basic deduction, the taxable income, and the specific tax rates are tailored to the gross salary, place of residence and other relevant factors. Each user's situation is unique and the final calculated net salary amount may vary depending on these variables. We recommend that you use our calculator to get an accurate calculation of your own net salary, which takes into account all current and personal circumstances.

Tax rates in Sweden 2025 in municipalities, counties and the whole country