Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - YERTND
2021-10-07 - 2024-10-07 +0.210.88%

Currency Exchange Rates and Currency Pair TND/YER

The currency market is a dynamic and complex environment where exchange rates are constantly changing. One of the many currency pairs traded in the market is TND/YER, which represents the Tunisian Dinar (TND) and the Yemeni Rial (YER).

Tunisian Dinar (TND)

The Tunisian Dinar is the official currency of Tunisia and has been in circulation since 1960. The currency is divided into 1000 millimes and has a strong link to the Tunisian economy, which is diversified with key sectors such as agriculture, mining, and tourism. The Central Bank of Tunisia oversees and regulates the TND to ensure economic stability.

Yemeni Rial (YER)

The Yemeni Rial is the official currency of Yemen and has been in use since 1990 when North and South Yemen unified. The YER is divided into 100 fils and is heavily influenced by the country's political and economic situation. Yemen's economy is mainly dependent on oil exports and agriculture, making the currency sensitive to global oil prices and domestic political events.

Convert Between Currencies

On our website, you have the opportunity to easily convert between different currencies, including TND and YER. Follow these simple steps to use our currency converter:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will then take place automatically.

Along with the conversion, a chart displaying historical figures for the currency pair will be presented, giving you a better understanding of the currencies' past performance.

Benefits of Currency Conversion

Being able to convert between different currencies in a smooth manner is important for both individuals and businesses. Whether you are planning a trip, conducting international business, or just want to track the developments in the currency market, our currency converter offers a simple and reliable solution.

Visit our website and try out our currency converter to see how much your currency is worth in TND or YER, or any other currency you are interested in.

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12.07 SEK -0.0040 SEK