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Exchange Rate Chart - UZSBGN
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 +27.962.35%

Currency Pair BGNUZS: Bulgarian Lev and Uzbekistani Som

The currency pair BGNUZS represents the exchange rate between the Bulgarian lev (BGN) and the Uzbekistani som (UZS). These two currencies belong to countries with different economic backgrounds and market dynamics, making their exchange rate interesting for both investors and travelers.

Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

The Bulgarian lev (BGN) is the official currency of Bulgaria. The currency has a strong link to the euro (EUR) through a currency basket, providing it with stability and predictability. Bulgaria is part of the European Union, and its economic policies are strongly influenced by EU guidelines and regulations.

Uzbekistani Som (UZS)

The Uzbekistani som (UZS) is the official currency of Uzbekistan. The country has a growing economy with a focus on agriculture, energy, and mining. The currency has undergone several reforms to stabilize the economy and attract foreign investments. UZS is known for having higher volatility compared to BGN, which can affect the exchange rate between these two currencies.

Convert Between BGN and UZS

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including BGN and UZS. Follow these simple steps to make a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (BGN or UZS).
  3. Choose the target currency (UZS or BGN).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will get the current exchange value.

To provide you with a better understanding of the historical development of the currency pair, we also display a chart with historical exchange rates. This can help you make more informed decisions when exchanging currency.


Whether you are an investor looking to diversify your portfolio or a traveler in need of currency exchange, our currency converter offers a simple and quick solution to convert between BGN and UZS, as well as other currencies. Explore our website to take advantage of these features and stay updated with the latest exchange rates.

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1.53 SEK +0.00 SEK
11.42 SEK +0.01 SEK
0.97 SEK +0.00 SEK
13.72 SEK +0.01 SEK
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