Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - USDKZT
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 -0.02-17.88%

Currency Pair USD/KZT: An Overview

The currency pair USD/KZT represents the exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT). This currency pair is of interest to investors and businesses involved in trade between the USA and Kazakhstan, as well as travelers planning to visit either of these countries.

US Dollar (USD)

The US Dollar, often abbreviated as USD, is the world's most widely used currency for international transactions and serves as a global reserve currency. It is issued by the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, and its stability makes it a preferred currency for many investors and central banks worldwide.

Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT)

The Kazakhstani Tenge, abbreviated as KZT, is the official currency of Kazakhstan. It was introduced in 1993 after Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union. Tenge is issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan and is used for all domestic transactions. The currency has undergone several devaluations, affecting its exchange rate against other currencies, including the USD.

Convert Between Currencies

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including USD and KZT. Follow these simple steps to perform a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (e.g., USD).
  3. Choose the target currency (e.g., KZT).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will immediately receive the result.

In addition to currency conversion, we also provide a chart with historical exchange rates for the currency pair USD/KZT. This gives you a visual representation of how the exchange rate has changed over time, which can be useful for making informed decisions about currency exchange.


Whether you are an investor, business traveler, or tourist, understanding the exchange rate between USD and KZT is important. Our website makes it easy for you to convert between these and other currencies, as well as analyze historical data to gain better insights into the dynamics of the currency market.

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