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Exchange Rate Chart - UAHPAB
2021-12-07 - 2024-12-07 +0.195.20%

Currency Pair PAB/UAH: An Overview

Introduction to PAB and UAH

The currency pair PAB/UAH represents the exchange rate between the Panamanian balboa (PAB) and the Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH). To understand the dynamics between these two currencies, it is important to know their origins and areas of use.

Panamanian Balboa (PAB)

The Panamanian balboa (PAB) is the official currency of Panama. It was introduced in 1904 and is named after the Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa. The balboa is pegged to the United States dollar (USD) at a 1:1 exchange rate, which means it is used alongside USD in Panama. Balboas exist in coin form while U.S. dollars are used for bills.

Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH)

The Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH) is the official currency of Ukraine. It was introduced in 1996, following Ukraine's independence from the Soviet Union. The hryvnia has a rich history, and its name stems from an old Slavic term for a weight of silver or gold. The currency consists of both bills and coins and is an important symbol of the country's economic sovereignty.

Convert Between PAB and UAH

To convert between PAB and UAH, or between other currencies, you can use our convenient currency converter. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the source currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will then take place automatically.

In addition to quickly exchanging between PAB and UAH, our service also offers conversion between a variety of other currencies. A chart with historical figures for the currency pair is presented along with the conversion, providing you with a clear picture of the currencies' performance over time.


The currency pair PAB/UAH provides an interesting insight into the relationship between the Panamanian balboa and the Ukrainian hryvnia. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly exchange between these and other currencies, as well as gain an overview of their historical development. Whether you are an investor, traveler, or simply curious about exchange rates, our service offers the information you need.

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