Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - TRYSEK
2021-12-22 - 2024-12-22 -0.42-56.91%

Currency Pair TRY/SEK: An Overview

The currency pair TRY/SEK represents the exchange rate between the Turkish lira (TRY) and the Swedish krona (SEK). This exchange rate is important for both investors and travelers who need to exchange between these two currencies. Below is a brief description of both currencies.

Turkish Lira (TRY)

The Turkish lira is the official currency of Turkey and Northern Cyprus. It has a rich history and has undergone several reforms to stabilize the economy. The lira is divided into 100 kuruş and its symbol is ₺. Turkey's central bank, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), is responsible for issuing the currency and overseeing monetary policy.

Swedish Krona (SEK)

The Swedish krona is the official currency of Sweden. The krona was introduced in 1873 and is divided into 100 öre. The currency's symbol is kr. The Sveriges Riksbank, the world's oldest central bank, is responsible for issuing the Swedish krona and overseeing the country's monetary policy. The krona is known for its stability and is often used as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty.

Convert Currencies Easily

On this page, you can easily convert between different currencies, including TRY and SEK. Follow these steps to make a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will happen automatically.

Historical Exchange Rates

Along with the conversion, a chart displaying historical data for the currency pair TRY/SEK is also presented. This gives you an overview of how the exchange rate has changed over time, which can be useful for making informed decisions.

Whether you are an investor tracking market fluctuations or a traveler planning a trip, our currency converter provides a simple and efficient way to keep an eye on current exchange rates. Explore different currency pairs and make quick conversions directly on our site.

11.03 SEK 0 SEK
1.54 SEK 0 SEK
11.51 SEK -0.0003 SEK
0.97 SEK 0 SEK
13.86 SEK 0 SEK
12.34 SEK 0 SEK