TMT to SEK - Currency converter
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Currency Pair TMT/SEK: Turkmenistani Manat and Swedish Krona
The currency pair TMT/SEK represents the exchange rate between Turkmenistani Manat (TMT) and Swedish Krona (SEK). Understanding this currency pair is important for both investors and travelers who need to exchange between these two currencies. On our site, you can easily convert between TMT and SEK as well as a variety of other currencies.
Turkmenistani Manat (TMT)
The Turkmenistani Manat is the official currency of Turkmenistan. It was introduced in 1993, replacing the former Soviet ruble. The Manat is divided into 100 tenge and is an important part of the country's economy. Turkmenistan is rich in natural resources such as natural gas and oil, which impact the value of their currency.
Swedish Krona (SEK)
The Swedish Krona is the official currency of Sweden and has been in use since 1873. The Krona is divided into 100 öre, although öre coins are no longer used in practice. Sweden has a strong and stable economy, making the Krona a reliable currency in the international market.
Convert Between TMT and SEK
On our site, you can easily convert between TMT and SEK as well as other currencies. Follow the steps below to complete a conversion:
- Enter the amount you want to convert.
- Select the base currency (TMT or SEK).
- Choose the target currency (SEK or TMT).
- The conversion is done automatically, and the result is displayed instantly.
Historical Exchange Rates
In addition to the conversion, we also display a chart with historical exchange rates for the currency pair TMT/SEK. This gives you a better understanding of how the exchange rate has changed over time and can help you make informed decisions.
Visit our site to easily and quickly convert between different currencies, including Turkmenistani Manat and Swedish Krona.