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Exchange Rate Chart - SDGMZN
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 -0.43-0.75%

Explore the Currency Pair MZN/SDG

The currency pair MZN/SDG represents the exchange rate between the Mozambican metical (MZN) and the Sudanese pound (SDG). These two currencies are used in their respective countries, Mozambique and Sudan, and have different economic backgrounds and influences that affect their value.

The Mozambican Metical (MZN)

The Mozambican metical, abbreviated as MZN, is the official currency of Mozambique. The metical was introduced in 1980 and has since undergone several changes and revaluations. The currency is governed by the Banco de Moçambique, the country's central bank, which oversees monetary policy and economic stability.

Economic Factors Affecting MZN

The economy of Mozambique is heavily reliant on agriculture, natural resources, and energy. Price fluctuations in commodities such as coal and natural gas can have a significant impact on the value of the metical. Additionally, political stability and international relations can also influence the currency's exchange rate.

The Sudanese Pound (SDG)

The Sudanese pound, abbreviated as SDG, is the official currency of Sudan. The currency was introduced in 2007, replacing the previous Sudanese dinar. The Central Bank of Sudan is responsible for regulating monetary policy and maintaining stability in the country's financial system.

Economic Factors Affecting SDG

Sudan's economy is heavily dependent on agriculture and oil production. Political instabilities, sanctions, and international relations play a significant role in influencing the value of the Sudanese pound. Inflation and economic reforms are also important factors affecting the currency's exchange rate.

Convert Between MZN and SDG

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including MZN and SDG. Follow these simple steps to perform a currency conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will then take place automatically.

A chart displaying historical figures for the currency pair will be presented alongside the conversion, giving you a better understanding of how the exchange rate has changed over time.

Explore the Exchange Rate History

By analyzing historical exchange rates, you can gain insights into how economic and political events have affected the currency pair MZN/SDG. This can be very helpful in planning international transactions or investments.

Visit our website to use our currency converter and access updated information on exchange rates and historical data for MZN and SDG.

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