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Exchange Rate Chart - RONHTG
2021-12-21 - 2024-12-21 0.000.00%

Currency Pair RON/HTG: An Overview

The currency pair RON/HTG represents the exchange rate between the Romanian leu (RON) and the Haitian gourde (HTG). To understand the dynamics between these two currencies, it is important to have a basic understanding of their respective economic backgrounds and areas of use.

Romanian Leu (RON)

The Romanian leu is the official currency of Romania and is managed by the National Bank of Romania, Banca Națională a României. RON has undergone several reforms over the years to stabilize the economy and bring Romania closer to the European Union. The Romanian economy has experienced relatively stable growth, contributing to a more stable currency.

Haitian Gourde (HTG)

The Haitian gourde is the official currency of Haiti and is administered by the Central Bank of Haiti, Banque de la République d'Haïti. HTG has historically been more volatile due to political instability and economic challenges in the country. Nevertheless, the gourde plays a central role in Haiti's economy and is crucial for daily transactions within the country.

Currency Conversion

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including RON and HTG. Follow these steps to make a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will be done automatically.

A chart displaying historical exchange rates for the currency pair RON/HTG is presented alongside the conversion, providing you with a better understanding of how the exchange rate has evolved over time.


Understanding the currency pair RON/HTG requires insight into both the Romanian leu and the Haitian gourde. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly switch between these and other currencies, making it easier to manage international transactions and investments.

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