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Exchange Rate Chart - PYGZAR
2021-12-26 - 2024-12-26 +5.870.84%

Currency Pair PYG/ZAR: An Overview

The currency pair PYG/ZAR represents the exchange rate between the Paraguayan guaranĂ­ (PYG) and the South African rand (ZAR). This currency pair is of interest to both investors and travelers who need to exchange between these two currencies.

Paraguayan GuaranĂ­ (PYG)

The Paraguayan guaranĂ­ is the official currency of Paraguay and has been in use since 1944. The currency is named after the GuaranĂ­ people, one of the indigenous groups in Paraguay. GuaranĂ­ is divided into 100 cĂ©ntimos, although cĂ©ntimos coins are no longer in circulation. The currency code for guaranĂ­ is PYG and the symbol is ₲.

South African Rand (ZAR)

The South African rand is the official currency of South Africa and was introduced in 1961, the same year the country became a republic. The name "rand" comes from Witwatersrand, the area where the majority of the country's gold reserves are located. The currency code for the rand is ZAR and the symbol is R. The rand is divided into 100 cents.

Convert Between PYG and ZAR

On our website, you can easily convert between the Paraguayan guaranĂ­ and the South African rand. Follow these steps to perform a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (PYG or ZAR).
  3. Choose the target currency (PYG or ZAR).
  4. The conversion will take place automatically, and the result will be displayed instantly.

To help you understand the historical development of the currency pair, a chart with historical exchange rates for PYG/ZAR is also provided alongside the conversion.

More Currency Conversions

In addition to PYG and ZAR, our currency converter offers the ability to convert between many other currencies. Whether you are planning a trip or conducting international business, you can rely on our service to get the latest exchange rates and perform smooth currency conversions.

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