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Exchange Rate Chart - MWKSEK
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 0.00-2.15%

Currency Pair MWK/SEK: Malawian Kwacha and Swedish Krona

The currency pair MWK/SEK represents the exchange rate between the Malawian Kwacha (MWK) and the Swedish Krona (SEK). To understand this currency pair, it is important to know about the two currencies involved and their respective economic backgrounds.

Malawian Kwacha (MWK)

The Malawian Kwacha is the official currency of Malawi, a landlocked nation in southeastern Africa. The Kwacha was introduced in 1971, replacing the former Malawian pound. Malawi is an agrarian-based country with tobacco, tea, and sugar being some of its major export products. The currency has undergone several devaluations due to economic challenges, including high inflation and a weak export market.

Swedish Krona (SEK)

The Swedish Krona is the official currency of Sweden, one of Europe's strongest and most stable economies. The Krona has been in circulation since 1873 and has a long history of stability and reliability. Sweden is known for its exports of high-tech products, vehicles, and machinery, contributing to a strong economy and a stable currency. The Riksbank, Sweden's central bank, is responsible for monetary policy and maintaining low and stable inflation.

Currency Conversion between MWK and SEK

To convert between Malawian Kwacha and Swedish Krona, or any other currency, you can use our currency converter. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency (MWK or SEK).
  3. Choose the target currency (SEK or MWK).
  4. The conversion will be done automatically, and the result will be displayed instantly.

Along with the conversion, you will also have access to a chart showing historical figures for the currency pair MWK/SEK. This provides a visual representation of how the exchange rate has changed over time, which can be useful for understanding trends and making informed decisions.


The currency pair MWK/SEK offers an interesting comparison between an African and a European currency. With our currency converter, you can easily convert between different currencies and get a quick and accurate exchange rate. Explore the historical trends and make informed decisions when managing your international transactions.

10.54 SEK +0.00 SEK
1.53 SEK +0.00 SEK
11.42 SEK +0.01 SEK
0.97 SEK +0.00 SEK
13.72 SEK +0.00 SEK
12.17 SEK +0.00 SEK