Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - MMKKES
2021-12-22 - 2024-12-22 +93.4146.48%

Currency Conversion: KES to MMK

On our site, you can easily convert between different currencies, including Kenyan Shilling (KES) and Myanmar Kyat (MMK). Here is a brief introduction to these two currencies.

Kenyan Shilling (KES)

The Kenyan Shilling, abbreviated as KES, is the official currency of Kenya. It was introduced in 1966, replacing the East African Shilling. KES is used throughout Kenya and is an important currency in the region. The Kenyan economy is diversified with strong sectors in agriculture, tourism, and telecommunications.

Myanmar Kyat (MMK)

The Myanmar Kyat, abbreviated as MMK, is the official currency of Myanmar. It was introduced in 1952 and has undergone several reforms since then. MMK is used throughout Myanmar and is a central part of the country's economy, which is heavily reliant on agriculture, natural resources, and the textile industry.

How to Convert Between KES and MMK

To convert between Kenyan Shilling and Myanmar Kyat, follow these simple steps on our site:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select Kenyan Shilling (KES) as the base currency.
  3. Select Myanmar Kyat (MMK) as the target currency.
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will receive the result instantly.

You can also convert between other currencies in the same way. Our currency converter is designed to be easy and quick to use, allowing you to get real-time exchange rates when you need them.

Historical Exchange Rates

To help you better understand the currency market, we also display a chart with historical exchange rates for the currency pair KES/MMK. This provides you with a visual representation of how the exchange rate has changed over time, which can be useful for making informed decisions.

Whether you need to convert currencies for business purposes, travel, or personal use, our currency converter is a reliable tool to get the most up-to-date exchange rates.

11.03 SEK 0 SEK
1.54 SEK 0 SEK
11.51 SEK -0.0003 SEK
0.97 SEK 0 SEK
13.86 SEK 0 SEK
12.34 SEK 0 SEK