Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - MADSEK
2021-12-02 - 2024-12-02 +0.044.10%

Exchange Rates and Currency Pair SEK/MAD

Exchange rates are a central part of international trade and economy. They indicate how much one currency is worth in relation to another and impact everything from imports and exports to investments and tourism. One of the many currency pairs traded in the global market is SEK/MAD, representing the Swedish Krona (SEK) and the Moroccan Dirham (MAD).

Swedish Krona (SEK)

The Swedish Krona (SEK) is the official currency of Sweden and has been in use since 1873. Sweden is known for its stable economy, and the Krona is one of the most traded currencies in the world. The Swedish Krona is influenced by factors such as Sweden's economic growth, interest rates, and inflation.

Moroccan Dirham (MAD)

The Moroccan Dirham (MAD) is the official currency of Morocco and has been in use since 1960. Morocco has a diversified economy with strong sectors in agriculture, mining, and tourism. The Dirham is influenced by factors such as the country's economic performance, political stability, and international trade.

Convert SEK to MAD

To convert Swedish Kronor to Moroccan Dirham, or vice versa, you can use our currency converter. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the original currency (SEK or MAD).
  3. Choose the target currency (SEK or MAD).
  4. The conversion will then be done automatically.

In addition to SEK/MAD, you can also convert between other currencies on the same page. A chart with historical figures for the currency pair will be provided along with the conversion, giving you an overview of how exchange rates have changed over time.


Understanding exchange rates and how they impact the economy is important for both businesses and individuals. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly get the information you need to make informed decisions, whether you are trading with SEK, MAD, or any other currency.

10.96 SEK +0.06 SEK
1.55 SEK +0.00 SEK
11.53 SEK +0.01 SEK
0.99 SEK +0.00 SEK
13.90 SEK +0.03 SEK
12.38 SEK +0.01 SEK