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Exchange Rate Chart - KZTBHD
2021-10-23 - 2024-10-23 +3.247.54%

Currency Exchange Rates and Currency Pair KZT/BHD

Introduction to KZT and BHD

The currency pair KZT/BHD consists of the Kazakhstani tenge (KZT) and the Bahraini dinar (BHD). These two currencies represent economies from two different regions with unique economic conditions and trade relationships.

Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT)

The Kazakhstani tenge (KZT) is the official currency of Kazakhstan and was introduced in 1993 after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union. This currency is central to the country's economy, which heavily relies on natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals. The National Bank of Kazakhstan oversees and regulates the stability of the currency.

Bahraini Dinar (BHD)

The Bahraini dinar (BHD) is the official currency of Bahrain and is one of the highest-valued currencies in the world. Introduced in 1965, the BHD has a strong peg to the US dollar and is central to Bahrain's economic activities, primarily revolving around the oil industry, the financial sector, and tourism. The Central Bank of Bahrain is responsible for maintaining the stability and integrity of the currency.

Conversion from KZT to BHD

On our website, you can easily convert between KZT and BHD as well as other currencies. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (KZT).
  3. Choose the target currency (BHD).
  4. The conversion will then take place automatically.

A chart with historical figures for the currency pair KZT/BHD will be presented alongside the conversion, giving you an overview of the currency's performance over time.


Understanding the currency pair KZT/BHD is important for anyone involved in international trade or investments between Kazakhstan and Bahrain. Our currency converter makes it easy to keep track of current exchange rates and historical data, facilitating your financial decisions.

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