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Exchange Rate Chart - KZTAZN
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 +3.508.15%

Exchange Rates and Currency Pair AZN/KZT

The foreign exchange market is a dynamic and complex environment where exchange rates constantly change based on a variety of factors such as economic indicators, political events, and market speculations. In this article, we will focus on the currency pair AZN/KZT, which represents the Azerbaijani Manat (AZN) and the Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT).

Azerbaijani Manat (AZN)

The Azerbaijani Manat is the official currency of Azerbaijan and was introduced in 1992 after the country gained independence from the Soviet Union. The Manat is divided into 100 qapik and is managed by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan. The currency has undergone several reforms to stabilize the economy and improve the country's financial system.

Kazakhstani Tenge (KZT)

The Kazakhstani Tenge is the official currency of Kazakhstan and was introduced in 1993, also as a result of the country's independence from the Soviet Union. The Tenge is divided into 100 tiyn and is managed by the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The currency has played a significant role in the country's economic development and stability.

Convert AZN to KZT

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including AZN and KZT. Just follow these steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (AZN).
  3. Choose the target currency (KZT).
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will receive the result instantly.

In addition to converting between AZN and KZT, you can also convert between other currencies. A chart with historical data for the currency pair AZN/KZT will be presented along with the conversion, giving you an overview of the exchange rate's evolution over time.


Understanding exchange rates and how they are influenced by various factors is crucial for making informed financial decisions. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly get the information you need to convert between AZN and KZT, as well as other currencies. Explore our website and take advantage of the tools and resources we offer to make your currency conversions as smooth as possible.

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