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Exchange Rate Chart - KRWCDF
2021-12-22 - 2024-12-22 +0.900.69%

Explore the Currency Pair KRW/CDF

The currency pair KRW/CDF represents the exchange rate between South Korea's Won (KRW) and the Congolese Franc (CDF). Both of these currencies have unique characteristics and are used in their respective countries for various economic transactions. Understanding the exchange rate between KRW and CDF can be crucial for businesses and individuals involved in international trade or investments.

South Korea's Won (KRW)

South Korea's Won (KRW) is the official currency of South Korea and is issued by the Bank of Korea. The Won was first introduced in 1902 and has undergone several changes since then. The modern version of the Won has been in use since 1962. South Korea is known for its strong economy, driven by technology, the automotive industry, and electronics exports, making the Won an important currency in the global market.

Congolese Franc (CDF)

The Congolese Franc (CDF) is the official currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is issued by the Central Bank of Congo. The Franc was introduced in 1997, replacing the Zaire. Congo is rich in natural resources, including minerals like cobalt and copper, making the CDF an important currency for trade in the mining industry. Despite the country's economic challenges, the CDF plays a central role in the local economy.

Convert Between KRW and CDF

On our website, you can easily convert between KRW and CDF as well as other currencies. Follow these simple steps to perform a conversion:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (KRW or CDF).
  3. Choose the target currency (CDF or KRW).
  4. The conversion will then take place automatically.

In addition to offering a convenient currency conversion, our website also displays a chart with historical figures for the currency pair KRW/CDF. This can help you analyze trends and make informed decisions about the exchange rate.


The currency pair KRW/CDF is an interesting example of how different economies and currencies interact in the global market. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly obtain the current exchange rate between KRW and CDF, as well as other currencies, facilitating your financial transactions and decisions.

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