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Exchange Rate Chart - HNLUAH
2021-12-26 - 2024-12-26 -0.08-3.25%

Currency Pair HNL/UAH: An Overview

The currency pair HNL/UAH represents the Honduran Lempira (HNL) and the Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH). These two currencies are used in Honduras and Ukraine respectively, and have unique characteristics that reflect their economic and political environments.

Honduran Lempira (HNL)

The Honduran Lempira is the official currency of Honduras and is abbreviated as HNL. The currency is named after the indigenous leader Lempira who led the resistance against the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. The Central Bank of Honduras, Banco Central de Honduras, is responsible for the issuance of the Lempira. The economy of Honduras is heavily dependent on agriculture, textile production, and remittances from abroad, which affect the currency's stability and exchange rate.

Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH)

The Ukrainian Hryvnia is the official currency of Ukraine and is abbreviated as UAH. The currency was introduced in 1996 to replace the former karbovanets and has since become a symbol of the country's economic independence. The National Bank of Ukraine, Natsionalnyi Bank Ukrainy, is responsible for regulating and overseeing the Hryvnia. Ukraine's economy is diversified with strong elements of agriculture, industry, and the services sector, but has also been affected by political and economic challenges.

Convert Between HNL and UAH

On our website, you can easily convert between different currencies, including HNL and UAH. Follow these steps to use our currency converter:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (HNL or UAH).
  3. Choose the target currency (HNL or UAH).
  4. The conversion will be done automatically, and you will receive the result instantly.

In addition to instant conversions, we also offer a chart with historical data for the currency pair HNL/UAH. This provides you with a better understanding of how exchange rates have evolved over time and can help you make more informed decisions.


The Honduran Lempira and the Ukrainian Hryvnia are two important currencies with unique characteristics. By using our currency converter, you can easily and quickly switch between these currencies and access historical data to better understand their fluctuations.

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