Currency converter

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Exchange Rate Chart - GYDSGD
2021-12-22 - 2024-12-22 -1.15-5.75%

Currency Pair SGD/GYD: Singapore Dollar and Guyanese Dollar

The currency pair SGD/GYD represents the exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and the Guyanese Dollar (GYD). This currency pair is of interest to investors, businesses, and travelers who need to exchange between these two currencies. On this page, you can easily convert between different currencies, including SGD and GYD, using our convenient currency converter.

Singapore Dollar (SGD)

The Singapore Dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. It was introduced in 1967 and has since become a stable and strong currency, largely due to Singapore's robust economy and financial sector. The Singapore Dollar is one of the most traded currencies in the world and is often used as a reserve currency in Asia.

Guyanese Dollar (GYD)

The Guyanese Dollar (GYD) is the official currency of Guyana, a country located on the northeastern coast of South America. The currency was introduced in 1965 and has been the primary currency in the country since then. Guyana's economy is largely dependent on agriculture, mining, and oil extraction, which impacts the value of GYD.

Convert between SGD and GYD

To convert between Singapore Dollar and Guyanese Dollar, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (SGD or GYD).
  3. Choose the target currency (SGD or GYD).
  4. The conversion will be done automatically.

In addition to SGD and GYD, you can also convert between other currencies on the same page. A chart with historical figures for the currency pair is presented alongside the conversion, providing you with a better understanding of the exchange rate trends over time.

Get the Latest Exchange Rates

Our currency converter is continuously updated to provide you with the latest and most accurate exchange rates. Whether you are planning a trip, conducting business, or investing, you can rely on receiving correct information quickly and easily.


The currency pair SGD/GYD is important for those who need to exchange between Singapore Dollar and Guyanese Dollar. With our currency converter, you can easily and quickly convert between these currencies and access historical data to make informed decisions.

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