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Exchange Rate Chart - CRCTND
2021-10-18 - 2024-10-18 -0.13-0.27%

Currency Conversion between Tunisian Dinar and Congolese Franc

Welcome to our page where you can easily convert between different currencies, including Tunisian Dinar (TND) and Congolese Franc (CRC). Here you will find a brief introduction to these two currencies and how to use our currency converter to make accurate and fast conversions.

Tunisian Dinar (TND)

The Tunisian Dinar (TND) is the official currency of Tunisia. It was introduced in 1960, replacing the former Tunisian franc. One dinar is divided into 1000 millimes. The Tunisian Dinar is mainly used within Tunisia and is an important part of the country's economy.

Congolese Franc (CRC)

The Congolese Franc (CRC), also known as CDF, is the official currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It was introduced in 1997, replacing the former zaire. One franc is divided into 100 centimes. The Congolese Franc is mainly used within the Democratic Republic of the Congo and plays a significant role in the country's economic system.

How to Use Our Currency Converter

To convert between Tunisian Dinar and Congolese Franc, or any other currency, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the source currency.
  3. Select the target currency.
  4. The conversion will happen automatically, and you will receive the result instantly.

Historical Exchange Rates

Along with the conversion, you will also have access to a chart showing historical exchange rates for the selected currency pair. This will help you understand trends and make more informed decisions.

Whether you need to convert between Tunisian Dinar and Congolese Franc, or between other currencies, our currency converter is a fast and reliable tool for your needs.

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