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Exchange Rate Chart - BRLLSL
2021-12-21 - 2024-12-21 -0.08-12.27%

Currency Pair BRL/LSL: An Overview

The currency pair BRL/LSL represents the exchange rate between the Brazilian Real (BRL) and the Lesotho Loti (LSL). Understanding how these currencies relate to each other is important for both investors and businesses trading between Brazil and Lesotho.

Brazilian Real (BRL)

The Brazilian Real is the official currency of Brazil and has been in circulation since 1994. The currency is controlled by Brazil's central bank, Banco Central do Brasil. The Real is one of the most important currencies in Latin America and is widely used in international trade, especially in the agricultural and commodity sectors.

Lesotho Loti (LSL)

The Lesotho Loti is the official currency of Lesotho, a small country completely surrounded by South Africa. The currency was introduced in 1966, the same year the country gained independence. The Loti is pegged to the South African Rand (ZAR) at a 1:1 ratio, meaning its value is directly linked to the Rand. The Central Bank of Lesotho oversees the currency.

Convert Between Currencies

On our site, you can easily convert between BRL and LSL as well as many other currencies. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter the amount you want to convert.
  2. Select the source currency.
  3. Choose the target currency.
  4. The conversion will then happen automatically.

A chart with historical figures for the currency pair will be presented along with the conversion, giving you an overview of past trends and fluctuations.


Having access to updated information about the currency pair BRL/LSL is crucial for making informed decisions in trade and investments. Use our currency converter to easily and quickly get the information you need.

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