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Exchange Rate Chart - AFNBGN
2021-12-27 - 2024-12-27 -0.59-8.47%

Currency Pair BGN/AFN: An Overview

The currency pair BGN/AFN represents the exchange rate between the Bulgarian Lev (BGN) and the Afghan Afghani (AFN). These currencies are important for trade and economic transactions between Bulgaria and Afghanistan. Understanding the exchange rates between BGN and AFN can be crucial for businesses and individuals involved in international affairs.

Bulgarian Lev (BGN)

The Bulgarian Lev is the official currency of Bulgaria. One lev is divided into 100 stotinki. The currency has a fixed exchange rate against the euro, meaning 1 BGN is pegged to 0.511 EUR. The Bulgarian Lev holds a stable position in the market and is widely used in both national and international trade.

Afghan Afghani (AFN)

The Afghan Afghani is the official currency of Afghanistan. One afghani is divided into 100 puls. The currency has experienced significant fluctuations due to the country's political and economic situation. Nonetheless, AFN plays a crucial role in the country's economy and is used for all types of transactions within Afghanistan.

Convert Between BGN and AFN

To convert between Bulgarian Lev and Afghan Afghani, you can utilize our currency converter. The process is simple and user-friendly:

  1. Enter the amount you wish to convert.
  2. Select the base currency (BGN or AFN).
  3. Choose the target currency (BGN or AFN).
  4. The conversion will occur automatically, providing you with the current exchange value.

In addition to converting between BGN and AFN, our currency converter allows you to convert between other currencies as well. A chart displaying historical exchange rates for the currency pair will be presented alongside the conversion, offering a clear view of how the exchange rate has evolved over time.


The currency pair BGN/AFN is an important tool for those engaged in economic activities between Bulgaria and Afghanistan. By using our currency converter, you can easily and swiftly convert between these two currencies, as well as access historical exchange data. This facilitates informed decision-making in international transactions.

11.05 SEK -0.0022 SEK
1.54 SEK +0.00 SEK
11.51 SEK +0.00 SEK
0.97 SEK -0.0010 SEK
13.84 SEK -0.0043 SEK
12.29 SEK +0.00 SEK