Cleaner Wanted for Temporary Position

Renovera Din Bostad & Atix AB

Södermanlands län, Nyköping

Previous experience is desired

28 days left
to apply for the job


We are now looking for a cleaner for a temporary position to start with. This may transition into a permanent position over time.

We want you to be thorough, see what needs to be done, and be able to clean according to our list of what is included in weekly and move-out cleaning.

We have regular customers on a schedule, as well as some who book us as needed, and others who call for one-time cleaning or window washing.

You need to be able to speak Swedish and preferably English. You should also be able to work sometimes alone, sometimes in pairs or groups. We prefer that you have experience in the profession.

You need to have a B driver's license to be able to reach our customers.

We work with a high level of service and a heart for the little extra, and we hope you see your job as important.

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